My last day in Amsterdam was already looking quite short when it started hammering down with rain.
I had work in the morning and pretty much just as I finished and was girding my loins for excursion, the heavens opened. Undeterred, my mission for the day was to find some street art. In fact, I’d decided I quite fancied finding “Scared plots on the door” which I discovered while I was browsing the Street Art Museum Amsterdam web site.
I decided to take the route that involved the least chance of being exposed to the elements rather than the quickest, so a tram two to Westermarkt and then a thirteen to Dr. H. Colijnstraat.
What I was looking for wasn’t there at first, which makes no sense at all, and as a consequence I spent a slightly humid half hour looking around until eventually it dawned on me that I had seen the door I was looking for, but that it no longer sported the art I was hoping for. In fact, it had been the first thing I photographed when I arrived.

Cue facepalm.
There was to be no more street art after that crushing defeat, I declared, and so wandered back to Centrum looking for tat to buy before some work in the early evening.
As this was my last evening in Amsterdam, I decided to have a little wander round after work. I got in just as the sun was starting to set, and contemplated a stroll around De Wallen to see the artificial mounds and marshy provinces at night, but the closer I got the lairier it sounded and, for my sins, I decided to abandon the experience and potter back to the relative calm of my regular haunt.

I quite fancied a drink, but in the end decided I’d be much better off having my final relaxing coffee of the week. This set me up nicely for a final canal hunt and then, when I was bored with walking and uninspired by the dining choices, I made good use of my tram ticket, grabbed a wok on the walk back to the house, and regailed Host with my stories of door-hunting.